On my way to City Center with friends:
No I’m not buying any thing today, I’m saving for my future (ya whatever)
I’ll only have a snack....
SoI run into this amazing (Crepe Café) you guys have to try the sea food one…

It was YAMMY and so filling I couldn’t finish it.
I was so proud, I paid only this much for a delicious meal
Until there I was doing great and following my new plan
Oh Splash was in front of me:
It will cost me nothing, just a few T-shirts wont harm,…

Ok, so I bought more then few but but but......., Uhhhh the story goes on
While walking in between I felt my hand was heavier then before, I looked twice and there they were!!! More bags (ohhh I must have taken some one else’s shopping bags)...
Ya just play along la...

Tarararaaaaa…. Disaster, NO WAY. I can’t walk pass by that with out buying any thing.
Ya nass I’m still young and have lots to live for, I can have high blood pressure, wont be able to sleep at night, wont eat I’ll go through depression, I wont be able to mingle, I’ll lose interest in life and I’ll lose my hair (DRAMA).
Ya nass I’m still young and have lots to live for, I can have high blood pressure, wont be able to sleep at night, wont eat I’ll go through depression, I wont be able to mingle, I’ll lose interest in life and I’ll lose my hair (DRAMA).
My future was in front of me... So I went in…..
By the end of the day:
Ya so I failed, temptations that I couldn’t resist, things that I’d never live without, I’m ashamed, I feel weak and my hands hurt, I need more money and a new car and a new shoe ane ohhhh boy here i go again.

I’m addicted and I need medication,..
Plus my hands DID hurt
FUN, I really had fun
If I am going to marry some one it would be you!!!
My wife to do me a fation show,,, WOW!!!
dont worry I ern enough money for you to go shoping every day!!!
LOL I am going shoping tonight :)
I need few shirts & shoe :) yea I love shoping,,, oh oh I need to buy a perfume too,,, LOL though I have a duzn LOL,,,
LOL I know wht u need!!! U need me as a husband!!! and I will get you a maid to carry all these bags for you so ur hands does not hurt!!!
but only if you do me a fation show later ;)
lol we share something in common :D
i'm happy that you had fun.
we try to save money but we can't its really hard :S
BTW your cat is sooooooooooo cute :P
I wonder who is your partner in crime taking pictures !!!
LooooL, you didn't take your promise =D
Well , Shopping is LIVE =P
you should know by now that going to a mall with NO intention to buy anything is almost impossible.
unless you decide to walk eyes shut :P
Seriously, you girls can NEVER control yourselves when it comes to shopping. LOOL
BTW, I still didn't go to the Crepe Cafe .. Looking forward to going there with my friends, they say it's very nice.
You look good! Or whatever appearing of you :p
I could reach city Centre ...LOL
I tried the Crepe Cafe a while back and didn't like it that much, I tried something Thai, it tasted weird and it was NOT filling at all. :P
Hmmm, your hands are certainly weird, yet on the other hand your hips are a delicious "Belly Dancers", rock on.
Ohhh proposal, how romantic. Now I could imagine me telling my kids how I met their dady looool. A maid to carry my bags as long as she’s not over 80 like the one I have now,…
U gloomed my blog with your comment, thanks for thinking my cat was cute, Ethiopia doesn’t have a name yet though :(
Believe it or not my partner in crime is a blogger too ;p
That’s a good idea, wonder how I never thought of it before. I’ll try it wait for a new post lol
We have to pay (being a girls consequences) it’s quite expensive wallah,…
Night Face,
:) thanks, well you can see I’m trying hard looool.
Blue Chi,
Try the sea food one wallahi it’s amazing, I got full havin a tinny tummy, you’re a guy so order two of them la???
I went all around the office showing ppl my hands and asking if they were weird, they said they were cyte...(7araaaaaam) man I have looks issues. You wana be my enemy you tell me I look bad.You wana be my friend you tell me I’m gorgeous (3aaaaad)…
elagante, i've not in anyway said that your hands are bad. I said they looked weird. Now a photo dont prove much. Besides how did you interpret "weird"?
And babes, I've not even seen your face, so how can I comment on the look issues? Atleast thank me for the gorgeous hips praise.
Hmm, either way your'e hot. Keep writing man!
I don't know why, I like you Abzzz flirt flirt,,, But hey WEIRD is even worse then bad, weird is WEIRD… Ahhh the hip thingy NO COMMENT….
You have a dashing hand dear!!
I would regonize them whn I see them!! so keep ur hands hiden!!
or I would come to you and say!!
Hay I am RD and you are my wife to be!!!
Red D,
Blush blush,
Give some of your lines to Abzzz , and did I mentioned that I said YES but that was before I read your brO post lol
elegante, i dont know why, but i like u too, cept that I would like to know why have you turned down the hips praise. people are dying to see shakira hip dancing. That's hottest on the charts right now;)
And hey, I dont need no lines from no one. All that "ah u got gorgeous eyes, sexy hands" are things of the past. They sound too fake. Im gonna say it real, and keep it real. I still like ya, u know.
My Lines are for me to say, not to share,,,
wht bro!!! I dont have a bro who is blogging???
LOL abs,,, I am gona upload some keep it real stuff just for you,,, LOL, then we gona see, plus you need some romatic times & thoughts in ur life man!!!
Still wont comment on the hip thingy (NO COMMENT),
The other crazy stuff was just kidding, have you ever heard the song (I like you just the way you are)… Do you need more than this in life offfff… hey what happened to your diet???
Red Dragon,
I like the fact of feeling I have a protector in my posts, but got confused between protector and stocker looooooooool… true your lines are yours, save them for next comments ;)
well, thats exactly what all gurls go through loool..
they never have enough shopping, and when they are done with their shopping they still wanna go shopping again.
typical gurl ;P
red dragon waiting for the upload bro. Waitin to see wha exactly it is. And I've no need for some romantic life and thoughts, too bad my life is about being a beautiful money machine. hehehe. But hey keep rocking dude. All the luck with the ladies.
elegante I tried looking for the song "I like you just the way you are", couldnt find it. Anywayz, no more hip, hands or whatever comments for u. I take it all back. And yes im dieting, too bad i've stopped jogging for a while now. Only Gym sucks!
Hey all is cool, nothing to be taken back *not allowed*… The real song is (I love you just the way you are) I THINK it was by Berry white if I spelled his name right…
wow...city center is getting impressive ha?
I havent been there since January...
a7medino, yeah its improving big time..many splash branches are there..so far the new extention is acually for splash only :) yeah
Splash for kids (a shop)
splash for women (another shop)
splash for men (another shop)
then home center for the upper floor .. how interesting :]
Enough shopping already :P
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