“and they lived happily ever after”
That’s what every single story I can remember reading ends up with, but, in the real life happily ever after doesn’t exist (unless you enjoy watching Shrek in lala land). Who is your soul mate? Is the one you find now will still be your soul mate after 10 years? Are we ready to commit for ever and ever? Why do we get married? Is it for breading?
The subject opened up from a girl’s group cession that I joined in Dubai. It was about Arabic women and how they dealt with the daily pressure in life. While I was on silent observing every one around me for the first hour I noticed that most of the young women attended were ether divorced, separated or on a limbo commitment. My questions started targeting individuals to avoid insulting them or getting them to feel unconfident although I knew that I was invading their privacy but I still went on. The subject went out loud whit in few minutes turning to discussions and debates.
(I got my divorce knowing deep inside that I can find someone better out there)… That was her comment giving me a slight curiosity about her dark mind. So you didn’t have any problems during your marriage? I asked. (Not really.. I had a peaceful life with him but he wasn’t the one that I could call my soul mate and I wasn’t ready to continue with my life just for the sake of marriage) as bold as she was I liked her answer. She loved her emotions and was ready to face the unknown even when she wasn’t sure her soul mate existed out there…
Unfortunately me admiring this lady didn’t last that long. Yes it was a smart answer, maybe, but what if she found her “soul mate" now and 10 years in her relation had passed, would they still have the same attraction, interest, likeness or feelings? That means every time she doesn’t feel the same she’ll leave him seeking for another… if that’s it, then she’s lucky (being sarcastic).
Now, are we have great expectations on our partners and that’s why we are losing them within time? Remembering my grand mother’s and mother’s generation divorce and separation where not a trend. It was rare and not acceptable. Today a woman just stood in front of every one (still admiring her being outrageous) and said indirectly that she’s going to seek for her man no matter what religion, morals, decency or even respect has to say.
Ya jama3a, how pity…