Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A story which will shock every one,…

Dua Khalil Aswad, a 17y girl was stoned, beaten and tortured to death on the 7th April, 07. I heard her story not imagining the cruel way that this small Iraqi MUSLIM girl was treated before she was killed until I watched her clip on YouTube.
If you are sensitive I don’t advice you to look at the clip

(clip was removed)

As said, a group of men from her village (North Iraq) and some of her family members participated in the killing. The 17 year old was tortured for 30 minutes before her soul left her body.

It was mentioned that the cause of the tragic killing was the innocent decision that the young girl toke. She converted from Shi’a (Yezidis) to Sunna (who are called Muslims in Iraq) as if it’s not the same religion. Even if it wasn’t NO ONE has the right to take away a life of another humane, at least not in that way with all the viewers and phone cameras…

Stupidly now I have a clear picture of why the Americans stayed in Iraq even after the capture of Sadam and his death, they claimed security, safety and wanted to insure and establish lows roles and forces before they left Iraqi lands to be handled by their own people. The Iraqis who are living there are literally HOLAGANS. Ok so not all of them you’ll all say, but what are the sober ones doing about it? Nothing… They are waiting for the Americans to do every thing for them then blame them in destroying and using the countries resources.

Iraqis are taking their own people as victims; they thought that what el mar7ooma Dua did will bring them shame. I feel calling them Arabs is a shame to us, I feel like calling them Muslims is a shame to us, I feel like calling them HUMENS is a shame to us.

I’ll leave you all with the whole story of Du’a Khalil Aswad, the victim of a crime which no one will pay for….


Anonymous said...

It was published in the front page of Arab times two days ago , and my heart ached to just to read, i will not watch the clip cz it's inhumane even to watch this girl die !
I was a strong supporter of this war, not anymore, not that the Americans are failing in Bagdad , it's because the Iraqi's are killing themselves. I pray to God that this madness stops and Iraqi's realize what they are doing .

Red Dragon said...

Oh my God,,,

poor lil girl,,, May god rest her soul!!!
ppl these days are geting saviger every second!!!

I have lost faith in Humanity,,,

Hamza said...

Shi'a and Sunnis are becoming like the orthodox and catholics in christianity. the only difference is that they are not killing each other like sunnis and shi'as do..which brings me to the next question.."why?"..I guess its part of the American propaganda to divide and separate us rather than see muslims in one hand.

That being said, these ppl and her families have been brainwashed :(

Anonymous said...

I think Yazid's are not Shia's [ thats what the paper said] They are a pre Islam religion..

you can read more about Yazidi's by googling " Yazidi "

ColOman said...

The links have been removed!!

Elagante said...

Happy wolf,
Iraqis will never realize any thing and they’ll not sort them selves out… Lets hope the new generation will have different minds and will at least have hearts and (Ra7ma)…
I intentionally never read the news papers and I really don’t know what’s going around but things are ugly and we have to thank God and pray to those who suffer from ‘6olm…

True there are battles between ppl coming from same religions but have different thoughts BUT they don’t go killing each other, and IF they do the country takes an action but what happens in our part of the world is silence after killing and raping. We have the fear to lose our reputation in front of the world but we never fear being called cowards among the word and hooligans among our selves,…


Sorry it has been removed,…

Kuw Son said...

They Are beasts !!

May her soul rest in peace inshalla

Gloomy said...

OMG who would do such a thing. a person is free to do what ever he likes.

eshda3wa said...

tis is just too sad for words

daddies little cuttie said...

7asbeyalla wene3m el wakel thats so sad

daddies little cuttie said...

7asbeyalla wene3m el wakel thats so sad

Pecos Blue said...

Wow that is really sad. I am not humanity had anything to lose ....just such a waste. As a mother i cannot understand.

iamnasra said...

How sad, to what level our reaching ????

Salman said...

Shi'aas and sinnis in Iraq have been that way for a very long time.. they have gone beyond religion and they give islam a bad name.

Not all iraqis are like that of course, but many of them have become religious fanatics who can't stand living with each other.

Iraq hasn't been ruled by a fair ruler in decades maybe even centuries because of the mentality of it's people. It took someone like Saddam to rule iraq with an iron fist by striking fear into his people by any means necessary.Thats the only way that kept this problem dormant all this time. but with Saddam gone it emerged again.

Reason and democracy cannot solve this problem,at least it never did in iraq. but let's hope it will one day.