Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ways of HEALING...
Monday, February 20, 2012
Me, My self and I

I malty task like crazy forgetting the fact that I am only HUMAN and this can fire back at me at any time (which it already did that’s why I’m writing about it)…
To me, this is the least of malty tasking I do. “You should see me at home” TV has to be on, I can’t take the silence of the rooms, reading or writing something while my mind is on (how in the hell can I pay my March bills) while my hands are moving I’m thinking if I should apply a nail polish or leave them as they are. While this thought is in my mind I already left the book heading to the nail polish box and picking up a color. Off course all this is being done while I’m on the phone with a friend who I’m trying to solve her problems with her hubby who doesn’t want to travel this summer because of the high expenses.
Do you really want me to go one…? Uhhh BuGGer
The thing is my brain is so used of not keeping it simple, it has all those unnecessary thoughts that takes too much space. I am not focusing on one thing. I am every where all the time. If I close my eyes in this moment I can literally see my thoughts flying all around
I was reading my blog, and I notice that there are many unfinished blogs that I intend to leave them that way cause once that publish button is pressed there is another thought replacing my mind…
Leave to here every one, catch up with you soon I REALLY HOPE. And wish me LUCK
Monday, December 26, 2011
why did I say
“I DO”
Why do we get married?
Why do we think that marriage is happiness
Why does the soul-mate has to be the opposite agenda?
Why do we tolerate people at work but we can’t tolerate the ones at home?
Why do we use hurtful words to the ones we mostly love?
Why life is not as simple as a fairy tail?
Questions I know I will never find answers for but I will keep on hoping for the best.
I always thought that once the man of my dreams appears then that would be my forever after. Unfortunately, I got to realize there is nothing called “forever” at least not in love stories. Marriage is just a tie which holds you in a prison our society calls (Al 3ish al zawjiya) or even (Al qafa9 al thahabi) TRANSLATION: the golden cage...
So they do admit it is a cage, but they paint it in gold “WAAW what a color”. Now knowing it’s a cage WHY do we drag our selves in it?!!! I wont call it stupid or naive. I think it’s that hope that we all in one point have, the hope of finding peace, love and respect. The hope in finding our partners in life. The hope in finding and living the fairy tails that we all have been dreaming of since we were in PINK.
In the other side what we all get is:
WHERE are you going (dahhhhh)
WHO gave you PORMMITION to eat at this time
WHY did you sleep (My goodness)
You HAVE to wait for me (me as the KING ya3nee)
WERE u REALLY at your mom’s
WHAT are you thinking about (7ashaaaa 3ad he even want's to get into my brains)
WHY are you wearing perfume
There is no SALT in the food
the sheet is TOO soft
the water is TOO cold
DON’T visit your friends
You don’t love me like before, you changed (I wonder why?@##*)
Pick up my clothes
Wash my londry
Dry my towel
Take care of the kids
I want the house SILENT although we have a 4 months old baby (yaaa put a tape on his mouth)
Look like a dall (even when you wake up)
Go grocery shopping
DON’T ask me where I spent the night
DON’t ask who my friends are
DON’t ARGUE AT ALL (you are a wife, body with no brains nor feelings)
DON’T compare your self to me I am a MAN
I can get Jealous u can't feel that way, you are a women
I AM THE MAN (uhhhhhh please give me a break)
MEN side of the story...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
You go and say to your self how strong and willing you are and how “what ever what happens” you wont let people around you change who you really are. But guess what (YOU ARE WRONG)…
I my self was one of those people, I am in my own world living in my white quite shell until BOOOOM there she was.
Short chick she was (is). Big dull eyes, very small lips “not to be seen at all”, un recognized features I have to say. Always covered in black, way TOOOO skinny and so harsh tone of voice. To me she looks like an under covered witch. (surely this is all after so many incidents with her, I have to be fare some how).
When I first got to know her she seemed to me like a Mother Teresa (or at least she wanted to look like one). Caring, giving, warm and loving but behind you she could poke you with a hook saying it was he sister who did it.
Now skipping all the incidents which accord and from reading so many books about SAICOPATHES I began to wonder. When do they really need to be locked behind white rooms or bars? Do we really have to wait for them to kill some one or become literally insane for us to take an action?
Ok I am being a bit sarcastic about things but come on people. Can’s you see? Some times a human mind can do something bad to harm another but can a normal human mind have two different personalities where he/she does the damage and play the innocent part. I am writing thing cause I can see every one around me not feeling the second she but yet they treat her with pureness while she is eating their flesh.
Uhhh what ever… I am back
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Me & my soul mate
That’s what every single story I can remember reading ends up with, but, in the real life happily ever after doesn’t exist (unless you enjoy watching Shrek in lala land). Who is your soul mate? Is the one you find now will still be your soul mate after 10 years? Are we ready to commit for ever and ever? Why do we get married? Is it for breading?
The subject opened up from a girl’s group cession that I joined in Dubai. It was about Arabic women and how they dealt with the daily pressure in life. While I was on silent observing every one around me for the first hour I noticed that most of the young women attended were ether divorced, separated or on a limbo commitment. My questions started targeting individuals to avoid insulting them or getting them to feel unconfident although I knew that I was invading their privacy but I still went on. The subject went out loud whit in few minutes turning to discussions and debates.
(I got my divorce knowing deep inside that I can find someone better out there)… That was her comment giving me a slight curiosity about her dark mind. So you didn’t have any problems during your marriage? I asked. (Not really.. I had a peaceful life with him but he wasn’t the one that I could call my soul mate and I wasn’t ready to continue with my life just for the sake of marriage) as bold as she was I liked her answer. She loved her emotions and was ready to face the unknown even when she wasn’t sure her soul mate existed out there…
Unfortunately me admiring this lady didn’t last that long. Yes it was a smart answer, maybe, but what if she found her “soul mate" now and 10 years in her relation had passed, would they still have the same attraction, interest, likeness or feelings? That means every time she doesn’t feel the same she’ll leave him seeking for another… if that’s it, then she’s lucky (being sarcastic).
Now, are we have great expectations on our partners and that’s why we are losing them within time? Remembering my grand mother’s and mother’s generation divorce and separation where not a trend. It was rare and not acceptable. Today a woman just stood in front of every one (still admiring her being outrageous) and said indirectly that she’s going to seek for her man no matter what religion, morals, decency or even respect has to say.
Ya jama3a, how pity…
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
ENCHANTED aweeeeen...

Hoping the movie will not continue on the same level unfortunately it did and even worst. As we went on watching all those stupid love parts, love songs and camera been zoomed on the lips while kissing.
I heard about brain washing but this time I really felt it, mothers and fathers with their kids were laughing while the movie was targeting corruption. Now the child will just watch a love movie but wait until he/she turns 10 and above. The movie, the moments and the curiosity will still be there. Our kids will live in corruption and our new generation will aim for sex before their age.
If I haven’t been living abroad I would say (I’m too Arabic to write about kids movie in this way) but I’ve bee living in UK and been opened kids channel every day. They were so careful of what they show their kids. I have never seen any grown up picture or heard any love conversations in kids channel. I surely don’t recall seeing a kissing part.
Did the cinema management watch the movie before showing it to the public? Or is it CoOol and civilized having movies shown openly even to our children? Did any one feel what I felt while the movie was playing? Is there any thing wrong here or is it just me???