Movies… I love kids movies with all the imaginations and the innocent laughter. The Enchanted was the movie that I went to watch with babies cuddling along with me, surprise it wasn’t a movie you could take children to. The first song was about (THE FIRST KISS) and the perfect lips. UHHHHH I was stuck in that chair and was too late for me to leave.
Hoping the movie will not continue on the same level unfortunately it did and even worst. As we went on watching all those stupid love parts, love songs and camera been zoomed on the lips while kissing.
I heard about brain washing but this time I really felt it, mothers and fathers with their kids were laughing while the movie was targeting corruption. Now the child will just watch a love movie but wait until he/she turns 10 and above. The movie, the moments and the curiosity will still be there. Our kids will live in corruption and our new generation will aim for sex before their age.
If I haven’t been living abroad I would say (I’m too Arabic to write about kids movie in this way) but I’ve bee living in UK and been opened kids channel every day. They were so careful of what they show their kids. I have never seen any grown up picture or heard any love conversations in kids channel. I surely don’t recall seeing a kissing part.
Did the cinema management watch the movie before showing it to the public? Or is it CoOol and civilized having movies shown openly even to our children? Did any one feel what I felt while the movie was playing? Is there any thing wrong here or is it just me???
Hoping the movie will not continue on the same level unfortunately it did and even worst. As we went on watching all those stupid love parts, love songs and camera been zoomed on the lips while kissing.
I heard about brain washing but this time I really felt it, mothers and fathers with their kids were laughing while the movie was targeting corruption. Now the child will just watch a love movie but wait until he/she turns 10 and above. The movie, the moments and the curiosity will still be there. Our kids will live in corruption and our new generation will aim for sex before their age.
If I haven’t been living abroad I would say (I’m too Arabic to write about kids movie in this way) but I’ve bee living in UK and been opened kids channel every day. They were so careful of what they show their kids. I have never seen any grown up picture or heard any love conversations in kids channel. I surely don’t recall seeing a kissing part.
Did the cinema management watch the movie before showing it to the public? Or is it CoOol and civilized having movies shown openly even to our children? Did any one feel what I felt while the movie was playing? Is there any thing wrong here or is it just me???
Loool.. Nice thought out here. I feel our little brains were really media-abused during our childhood years. I mean you have rappers rapping about you know what, and movies hinting that you know what is the right thing!
So yes i do agree with what you say. Say have you lip locked before? Apparently, they say, two souls actually meet at that time.
hehehe Abzzz I can't reply on that...
i didn't notice that but I watched the film thinking what a crap movie! I mean I'm not really into dsiney or stuff but I loved Nanny McPhee.
"Is there any thing wrong here or is it just me???"
No. There is nothing wrong here. And, no, it's not just you. It's myriad other people who share your puritanical views that is the issue.
Why would you want to shield children from something as innocent as kissing? There's absolutely nothing wrong with showing a kiss, or even extolling the virtues of a kiss, especially as innocently as it was portrayed in that abortion of a film, "Enchanted".
It's sad that modern societies have conditioned people to have views such as yours. Irrational fear and puritanical, dogmatic beliefs are holding us back as a species. It breaks my heart.
lol I always seem to have a laugh reading the last comment ... he/she really takes this that hard... It's a blog my friend, ppl express what THEY feel from inside. It doesn't mean the world have to follow and agree... I read it after 2 years looooooool ...
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